Full screen clock (JavaScript)
Have you ever wanted to turn your computer/
Made with advanced HTML/SVG + CSS + JavaScript technologies, these clocks are designed specially to underutilize your computing device. For an exclusive low price of $0.00, this software virtual clock can be yours. Don’t delay; call now to place your order! (Satisfaction guaranteed or triple your money back.)
Digital 24-hour |
Digital 12-hour |
Analog 12-hour |
Without seconds | With seconds |
Using the links above, you can view the clocks, save the HTML/SVG files for offline use, and/or tweak the source code.
Tip: Desktop web browsers have a full-screen viewing mode, activated by pressing the F11 key.
Warning: Do not hotlink to the clock HTML files at www.nayuki.io. Please download them for your local use. Abusers will be dealt with.
For the extra curious reader: I actually do use a web/JavaScript clock in my daily life. I took the concept on this page and made a fancier version that has a background image and shows the current weather. I run that improved version of the clock 24/7 on a small tablet sitting on my desk – see my page titled Tablet desk clock.