RollerCoaster Tycoon saved games
Here is a collection of my saved games for the original RollerCoaster Tycoon. For each scenario, these files are provided:
- Beginning
Saved immediately at the beginning of the game, these are provided just for reference. Unfortunately, if you haven’t unlocked a scenario, you can’t load any saved games of that scenario. These files doesn’t take any work or creativity, so I take no credit for them.
- Near-complete
These are well-built theme parks by me (Nayuki), saved just 1 or 2 days before the scenario goal is assessed. This lets you load the game, wait under one minute, and quickly beat the scenario. You can demolish everything and play the level with a lot of money and researched items instead of starting from scratch.
I didn’t try to maximize the number of rides, guests, money, creative designs, or anything really – these save files merely prove that I can finish the scenario. Each one took about 2 to 4 hours of time to complete. In scenarios where land or construction rights are available for purchase, I try to spend as much money as possible buying them up. The funding for researching new items is always set to maximum, but the sequence of inventions is never exhausted at the time the game is saved.
All of these scenarios were played and completed by me in summer (... which was 16 years after the game was released).
- Maxed-out
All research items are unlocked, all land and construction rights are purchased, the loan is zero, and there are tens of thousands of dollars in cash. These are rich starting points for you to build a park without waiting for the necessary resources. Rides are included so that the park can earn money, but you are welcome to demolish everything and start fresh (but with tons of money and all rides for the scenario unlocked).
Note: Mega Park is the final scenario that is revealed after all 21 normal scenarios are completed. It does not have a goal, and thus cannot be beaten.
If you repost these saved game files, please credit Nayuki and link back to this web page as a courtesy. Thanks!
More info
Game Beacon is another source that publishes RollerCoaster Tycoon saved game files. Their collection covers far more RCT-series games than mine!
- Game Beacon: RollerCoaster Tycoon, Corkscrew Follies, Loopy Landscapes
- Game Beacon: RollerCoaster Tycoon 2
- YouTube: Marcel Vos (many explanations and experiments)