/* * Panel de Pon puzzle solver * * Copyright (c) 2024 Project Nayuki * All rights reserved. Contact Nayuki for licensing. * https://www.nayuki.io/page/panel-de-pon-puzzle-solver-javascript */ namespace app { /*---- User interface ----*/ let pageGrid: Grid; // Either -1 if not showing a known example, // or an integer in the range [0, EXAMPLE_PUZZLES.length). let currentExampleIndex: number = -1; type Move = [number,number]; function initialize(): void { pageGrid = new Grid(); const tbodyElem = document.querySelector("#game-board tbody") as HTMLElement; tbodyElem.replaceChildren(); // Create header row's cells let tr: HTMLElement = tbodyElem.appendChild(createElement("tr", createElement("td"))); for (let x = 0; x < Grid.WIDTH; x++) tr.append(createElement("td", formatXCoordinate(x))); // Create remaining rows' cells const numColors = Grid.TILE_COLORS.length; for (let y = Grid.HEIGHT - 1; y >= 0; y--) { let tr: HTMLElement = tbodyElem.appendChild(createElement("tr", createElement("td", y.toString()))); for (let x = 0; x < Grid.WIDTH; x++) { let td: HTMLElement = tr.appendChild(createElement("td")); // Set event handlers td.onmousedown = (ev: MouseEvent) => { let inc = 0; if (ev.button == 0) inc = 1; else if (ev.button == 2) inc = -1; pageGrid.set(x, y, (pageGrid.get(x, y) + inc + numColors) % numColors); handleBoardChanged(); }; td.oncontextmenu = td.onselectstart = (() => false); } } handleBoardChanged(); } export function doSolve(): void { clearSolution(); const numMoves: number = parseInt(inputElemId("num-moves").value, 10); const [moves, numVisited] = new Board(pageGrid.clone()).solve(numMoves); let solnHeadText: string; if (moves === null) solnHeadText = "No solution"; else if (moves.length == 0) solnHeadText = "Solution: Self-clearing"; else { solnHeadText = "Solution:"; let solnStepsElem = elemId("solution-steps"); for (const [x, y] of moves) { solnStepsElem.append(createElement("li", formatXCoordinate(x) + y + "-" + formatXCoordinate(x + 1) + y)); } } elemId("solution-text" ).textContent = solnHeadText; elemId("boards-visited").textContent = "Boards visited: " + numVisited; } export function doImport(): void { const lines: Array = inputElemId("import-export").value.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, "").split("\n"); if (lines.length != Grid.HEIGHT + 1) { alert(`Invalid number of lines (should be ${Grid.HEIGHT + 1})`); return; } const moves: number = parseInt(lines[0], 10); if (!/^\d+$/.test(lines[0]) || moves < 0 || moves > 100) { alert("Invalid number of moves"); return; } for (let y = 0; y < Grid.HEIGHT; y++) { const line: string = lines[Grid.HEIGHT - y]; if (line.length != Grid.WIDTH) { alert(`Invalid line length (should be ${Grid.WIDTH})`); return; } for (let x = 0; x < Grid.WIDTH; x++) { const c: string = line.charAt(x); const d: number = line.charCodeAt(x) - "a".charCodeAt(0) + 1; if (c == ".") pageGrid.set(x, y, 0); else if (1 <= d && d < Grid.TILE_COLORS.length) pageGrid.set(x, y, d); else { alert(`Invalid tile character: '${c}'`); return; } } } inputElemId("num-moves").value = moves.toString(); handleBoardChanged(); } export function doExample(): void { let index: number; do index = Math.floor(Math.random() * EXAMPLE_PUZZLES.length); while (index == currentExampleIndex); inputElemId("import-export").value = EXAMPLE_PUZZLES[index]; doImport(); currentExampleIndex = index; } const EXAMPLE_PUZZLES: Array = [ // All examples are from Pokémon Puzzle League (Nintendo 64) - Puzzle University - Class 2 "3\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n...c..\n.c.c..\n.c.b..\n.b.b..\n.b.c..\n.c.b..\n.c.c..", // Stage 01 "3\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n..cf..\n..fcc.\n..cfc.", // Stage 02 "2\n......\n......\n......\n......\n..bb..\n..ae..\n..ae..\n..bb..\n..ea..\n..ea..\nbbaebb\nbbeabb", // Stage 03 "3\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n...a..\n...b..\n...aba\n..bbab", // Stage 04 "4\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n..de..\n..ed..\ndedede", // Stage 05 "3\n......\n......\n......\n......\n...a..\n...f..\n...a..\n...b..\n...a..\n...b..\n...f..\n..fb..", // Stage 06 "2\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n..add.\n..ebe.\n..daa.\n..edde\nb.beed", // Stage 07 "3\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n...c..\n...dcc\n..dcdd\n..dccd", // Stage 08 "2\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n...a..\n...f..\n...c..\n...c..\n..fa.a\n.ccfcf", // Stage 09 "3\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n...e..\n.e.d..\n.ded..\n.deede", // Stage 10 "3\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n...a..\n...fa.\n...bb.\n.bffa.", // Stage 11 "3\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n..ada.\n..cdc.\n..acd.", // Stage 12 "3\n......\n......\n......\n......\n...d..\n...b..\n...d..\n...a..\n...ab.\n...ff.\n...fb.\n...ad.", // Stage 13 "2\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n..a...\n.ab...\n.ba...\n.bbab.\naabaa.", // Stage 14 "3\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n..aff.\n..faf.\n..bfb.\n..afb.", // Stage 15 "3\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n..b...\n.ff...\n.bff..\n.fbb..", // Stage 16 "2\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n.f....\n.a....\n.a....\n.f.a..\n.f.faa\n.a.aff\n.a.faa", // Stage 17 "2\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n..ed..\n..ed..\n..de..\n..ed..\n..de..\n..ed..\nddedee", // Stage 18 "4\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n...c..\n...a..\n...c..\n...c..\n..aa..\n..cc..", // Stage 19 "3\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n..a...\n..d...\n..fd..\n.afad.\nadadfd\nfafafa", // Stage 20 "2\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n...b..\n...d..\n...d..\n...b..\n...d..\n.ddbb.\n.bbdbb", // Stage 21 "2\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n.ccf..\n.ffcc.\nfccff.", // Stage 22 "3\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n...c..\n...c..\n...d..\n...a..\n...ac.\n..ccdd\n..cacc", // Stage 23 "4\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n..b...\n..e...\n.ebeb.\n.bebe.", // Stage 24 "2\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n..a.ee\n..faff\n.aeeba\nffbbab\nbbffba", // Stage 25 "3\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n.c....\n.d....\n.bab..\n.cdaa.\n.dccb.", // Stage 26 "4\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n..ad..\n..bb..\n..ad..\n..bd..\n.ada..", // Stage 27 "3\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n..d...\n..be..\n..bbc.\n..edd.\n..ecc.", // Stage 28 "3\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n.cee..\n.bff..\n.fbf..\n.ccb..\n.eff..", // Stage 29 "2\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n......\n...c..\n..cb..\n..ba..\n..bbc.\n..abb.\n..bab.", // Stage 30 ]; export function doClear(): void { for (let y = 0; y < Grid.HEIGHT; y++) { for (let x = 0; x < Grid.WIDTH; x++) pageGrid.set(x, y, 0); } handleBoardChanged(); } export function handleBoardChanged(): void { // Update colors on all cells const tbodyElem = document.querySelector("#game-board tbody") as HTMLElement; let trs: NodeListOf = tbodyElem.querySelectorAll("tr"); for (let y = 0; y < Grid.HEIGHT; y++) { let tds: NodeListOf = trs[trs.length - 1 - y].querySelectorAll("td"); for (let x = 0; x < Grid.WIDTH; x++) tds[x + 1].style.backgroundColor = Grid.TILE_COLORS[pageGrid.get(x, y)]; } // Update export text let exportStr: string = inputElemId("num-moves").value; for (let y = 0; y < Grid.HEIGHT; y++) { exportStr += "\n"; for (let x = 0; x < Grid.WIDTH; x++) { const val = pageGrid.get(x, Grid.HEIGHT - 1 - y); if (val == 0) exportStr += "."; else exportStr += String.fromCodePoint(("a".codePointAt(0) as number) + val - 1); } } inputElemId("import-export").value = exportStr; clearSolution(); currentExampleIndex = -1; } // Examples: 0 -> A, 1 -> B, ..., 25 -> Z, // 26 -> AA, 27 -> AB, ..., 51 -> AZ, // 52 -> BA, ..., 701 -> ZZ. function formatXCoordinate(x: number): string { const START = "A".codePointAt(0) as number; if (0 <= x && x < 26) return String.fromCodePoint(START + x); else if (26 <= x && x < 702) return String.fromCodePoint(START + Math.floor((x - 26) / 26)) + String.fromCodePoint(START + (x - 26) % 26); else throw new RangeError("Invalid value"); } function clearSolution(): void { elemId("solution-text").textContent = ""; elemId("solution-steps").replaceChildren(); elemId("boards-visited").textContent = ""; } function createElement(tagName: string, content?: string|HTMLElement): HTMLElement { let result: HTMLElement = document.createElement(tagName); if (content !== undefined) result.append(content); return result; } function elemId(id: string): HTMLElement { return document.getElementById(id) as HTMLElement; } function inputElemId(id: string): HTMLInputElement { return elemId(id) as HTMLInputElement; } /*---- Puzzle solver, board, grid ----*/ // An immutable puzzle board, with high-level methods to generate/apply/solve game moves. class Board { public constructor(private grid: Grid) { // Apply game rules to the grid do this.dropTiles(); while (this.matchAndClear()); } // Used by constructor. private dropTiles(): boolean { let changed: boolean = false; for (let x = 0; x < Grid.WIDTH; x++) { for (let yRead = 0, yWrite = 0; yRead < Grid.HEIGHT; yRead++) { if (this.grid.get(x, yRead) != Grid.EMPTY_TILE) { if (yRead > yWrite) { this.grid.set(x, yWrite, this.grid.get(x, yRead)); this.grid.set(x, yRead, Grid.EMPTY_TILE); changed = true; } yWrite++; } } } return changed; } // Used by constructor. private matchAndClear(): boolean { let toClear = new Grid(); // Conceptually Boolean // Find horizontal matches for (let y = 0; y < Grid.HEIGHT; y++) { for (let x = 0; x < Grid.WIDTH; ) { const run = this.getRunLength(x, y, 1, 0); if (run >= Board.MINIMUM_RUN) { for (let i = 0; i < run; i++) toClear.set(x + i, y, 1); } x += run; } } // Find vertical matches for (let x = 0; x < Grid.WIDTH; x++) { for (let y = 0; y < Grid.HEIGHT; ) { const run = this.getRunLength(x, y, 0, 1); if (run >= Board.MINIMUM_RUN) { for (let i = 0; i < run; i++) toClear.set(x, y + i, 1); } y += run; } } // Clear tiles let cleared: boolean = false; for (let y = 0; y < Grid.HEIGHT; y++) { for (let x = 0; x < Grid.WIDTH; x++) { if (toClear.get(x, y) == 1) { this.grid.set(x, y, Grid.EMPTY_TILE); cleared = true; } } } return cleared; } // Used by constructor. private getRunLength(x: number, y: number, dx: number, dy: number): number { if (dx < 0 || dy < 0 || dx == 0 && dy == 0) throw new RangeError("Invalid value"); const val: number = this.grid.get(x, y); if (val == Grid.EMPTY_TILE) return 1; let count: number = 0; while (x < Grid.WIDTH && y < Grid.HEIGHT && this.grid.get(x, y) == val) { count++; x += dx; y += dy; } return count; } public isClear(): boolean { for (let y = 0; y < Grid.HEIGHT; y++) { for (let x = 0; x < Grid.WIDTH; x++) { if (this.grid.get(x, y) != Grid.EMPTY_TILE) return false; } } return true; } public getMoves(): Array { let result: Array = []; for (let y = 0; y < Grid.HEIGHT; y++) { for (let x = 0; x < Grid.WIDTH - 1; x++) { if (this.grid.get(x, y) != this.grid.get(x + 1, y)) result.push([x, y]); } } return result; } public applyMove(x: number, y: number): Board { let newGrid: Grid = this.grid.clone(); newGrid.set(x + 0, y, this.grid.get(x + 1, y)); newGrid.set(x + 1, y, this.grid.get(x + 0, y)); return new Board(newGrid); } public solve(numMoves: number): [Array|null,number] { interface Info { depth: number; prevBoard: Board|null; prevMove: Move|null; } // Do breadth-first search until solution found or tree exhausted let queue: Array = [this]; let visited = new Map(); visited.set(this.toString(), {depth:0, prevBoard:null, prevMove:[-1,-1]}); let endState: Board|null = null; while (queue.length > 0) { // Dequeue next state const state = queue.shift(); if (state === undefined) throw new Error("Assertion error"); if (state.isClear()) { endState = state; break; } // Get info about state const info = visited.get(state.toString()); if (info === undefined) throw new Error("Assertion error"); if (info.depth >= numMoves) continue; for (const move of state.getMoves()) { const newState: Board = state.applyMove(move[0], move[1]); if (!visited.has(newState.toString())) { queue.push(newState); visited.set(newState.toString(), {depth:info.depth+1, prevBoard:state, prevMove:move}); } } } if (endState === null) // No solution return [null, visited.size]; // Retrieve previous board states let result: Array = []; for (let state = endState; ; ) { const info = visited.get(state.toString()); if (info === undefined) throw new Error("Assertion error"); if (info.prevBoard === null) break; const prevMove = info.prevMove; if (prevMove === null) throw new Error("Assertion error"); result.unshift(prevMove); state = info.prevBoard; } return [result, visited.size]; } public toString(): string { return this.grid.toString(); } public static readonly MINIMUM_RUN: number = 3; } // A mutable 2D grid of numbers. This low-level data structure has no game rules. class Grid { private data: Array; public constructor(data?: Array) { const len = Grid.WIDTH * Grid.HEIGHT; if (data === undefined) { data = []; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) data.push(0); } else if (data.length != len) throw new RangeError("Invalid array"); this.data = data; } public get(x: number, y: number): number { if (x < 0 || x >= Grid.WIDTH || y < 0 || y >= Grid.HEIGHT) throw new RangeError("Index out of bounds"); return this.data[y * Grid.WIDTH + x]; } public set(x: number, y: number, val: number): void { if (x < 0 || x >= Grid.WIDTH || y < 0 || y >= Grid.HEIGHT) throw new RangeError("Index out of bounds"); this.data[y * Grid.WIDTH + x] = val; } public clone(): Grid { return new Grid(this.data.slice()); } public toString(): string { return this.data.toString(); } public static readonly WIDTH : number = 6; public static readonly HEIGHT: number = 12; public static readonly TILE_COLORS: Array = [ "#000000", "#F01000", "#FFE000", "#00C000", "#40FFFF", "#0020F0", "#C000FF"]; public static readonly EMPTY_TILE: number = 0; } if (!("replaceChildren" in Element.prototype)) { // Polyfill Element.prototype.replaceChildren = function(...newChildren: Array): void { while (this.firstChild !== null) this.removeChild(this.firstChild); this.append(...newChildren); }; } // Global initialization initialize(); }