# # Optimizing brainfuck compiler # # This script translates brainfuck source code into C/Java/Python source code. # Usage: python bfc.py BrainfuckFile OutputFile.c/java/py # # Copyright (c) 2025 Project Nayuki # All rights reserved. Contact Nayuki for licensing. # https://www.nayuki.io/page/optimizing-brainfuck-compiler # from __future__ import annotations import dataclasses, pathlib, re, sys from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Sequence, Set # ---- Main ---- def main(args: Sequence[str]) -> Optional[str]: # Handle command-line arguments if len(args) != 2: return "Usage: python bfc.py BrainfuckFile OutputFile.c/java/py" inpath: pathlib.Path = pathlib.Path(args[0]) if not inpath.is_file(): return f"{inpath}: Not a file" outpath: pathlib.Path = pathlib.Path(args[1]) outfunc: Callable[[List[Command],str,bool,int], str] if outpath.suffix == ".c" : outfunc = commands_to_c elif outpath.suffix == ".java": outfunc = commands_to_java elif outpath.suffix == ".py" : outfunc = commands_to_python else: return f"{outpath}: Unknown output type" # Read input incode: str = inpath.read_text() # Parse and optimize Brainfuck code commands: List[Command] = parse(incode) commands = optimize(commands) commands = optimize(commands) commands = optimize(commands) # Write output outcode: str = outfunc(commands, outpath.stem) outpath.write_text(outcode) return None # ---- Parser ---- # Parses the given raw code string, returning a list of Command objects. def parse(codestr: str) -> List[Command]: codestr = re.sub(r"[^+\-<>.,\[\]]", "", codestr) # Keep only the 8 Brainfuck characters return _parse(iter(codestr), True) def _parse(chargen: Iterator[str], maincall: bool) -> List[Command]: result: List[Command] = [] for c in chargen: item: Command if c == "+": item = Add(0, +1) elif c == "-": item = Add(0, -1) elif c == "<": item = Right(-1) elif c == ">": item = Right(+1) elif c == ",": item = Input (0) elif c == ".": item = Output(0) elif c == "[": item = Loop(_parse(chargen, False)) elif c == "]": if maincall: raise ValueError("Extra loop closing") else: return result else: raise AssertionError("Illegal code character") result.append(item) if maincall: return result else: raise ValueError("Unclosed loop") # ---- Optimizers ---- # Optimizes the given list of Commands, returning a new list of Commands. def optimize(commands: List[Command]) -> List[Command]: result: List[Command] = [] offset: int = 0 # How much the memory pointer has moved without being updated off: int prev: Optional[Command] for cmd in commands: if isinstance(cmd, Assign): # Try to fuse into previous command off = cmd.offset + offset prev = result[-1] if (len(result) >= 1) else None if (isinstance(prev, (Add,Assign)) and (prev.offset == off)) \ or (isinstance(prev, (MultAdd,MultAssign)) and (prev.destOff == off)): del result[-1] result.append(Assign(off, cmd.value)) elif isinstance(cmd, MultAssign): result.append(MultAssign(cmd.srcOff + offset, cmd.destOff + offset, cmd.value)) elif isinstance(cmd, Add): # Try to fuse into previous command off = cmd.offset + offset prev = result[-1] if (len(result) >= 1) else None if isinstance(prev, Add) and (prev.offset == off): prev.value = (prev.value + cmd.value) & 0xFF elif isinstance(prev, Assign) and (prev.offset == off): prev.value = (prev.value + cmd.value) & 0xFF else: result.append(Add(off, cmd.value)) elif isinstance(cmd, MultAdd): # Try to fuse into previous command off = cmd.destOff + offset prev = result[-1] if (len(result) >= 1) else None if isinstance(prev, Assign) and (prev.offset == off) and (prev.value == 0): result[-1] = MultAssign(cmd.srcOff + offset, off, cmd.value) else: result.append(MultAdd(cmd.srcOff + offset, off, cmd.value)) elif isinstance(cmd, Right): offset += cmd.offset elif isinstance(cmd, Input): result.append(Input(cmd.offset + offset)) elif isinstance(cmd, Output): result.append(Output(cmd.offset + offset)) else: # Commit the pointer movement before starting a loop/if if offset != 0: result.append(Right(offset)) offset = 0 if isinstance(cmd, Loop): temp0: Optional[List[Command]] = optimize_simple_loop(cmd.commands) if temp0 is not None: result.extend(temp0) else: temp1: Optional[If] = optimize_complex_loop(cmd.commands) if temp1 is not None: result.append(temp1) else: result.append(Loop(optimize(cmd.commands))) elif isinstance(cmd, If): result.append(If(optimize(cmd.commands))) else: raise AssertionError("Unknown command") # Commit the pointer movement before exiting this block if offset != 0: result.append(Right(offset)) return result # Tries to optimize the given list of looped commands into a list that would be executed without looping. Returns None if not possible. def optimize_simple_loop(commands: List[Command]) -> Optional[List[Command]]: deltas: Dict[int,int] = {} # delta[i] = v means that in each loop iteration, mem[p + i] is added by the amount v offset: int = 0 for cmd in commands: # This implementation can only optimize loops that consist of only Add and Right if isinstance(cmd, Add): off: int = cmd.offset + offset deltas[off] = deltas.get(off, 0) + cmd.value elif isinstance(cmd, Right): offset += cmd.offset else: return None # Can't optimize if a loop iteration has a net pointer movement, or if the cell being tested isn't decremented by 1 if (offset != 0) or (deltas.get(0, 0) != -1): return None # Convert the loop into a list of multiply-add commands that source from the cell being tested del deltas[0] result: List[Command] = [] for off in sorted(deltas.keys()): result.append(MultAdd(0, off, deltas[off])) result.append(Assign(0, 0)) return result # Attempts to convert the body of a while-loop into an if-statement. This is possible if roughly all these conditions are met: # - There are no commands other than Add/Assign/MultAdd/MultAssign (in particular, no net movement, I/O, or embedded loops) # - The value at offset 0 is decremented by 1 # - All MultAdd and MultAssign commands read from {an offset other than 0 whose value is cleared before the end in the loop} def optimize_complex_loop(commands: List[Command]) -> Optional[If]: result: List[Command] = [] origindelta: int = 0 clears: Set[int] = {0} for cmd in commands: if isinstance(cmd, Add): if cmd.offset == 0: origindelta += cmd.value else: clears.discard(cmd.offset) result.append(MultAdd(0, cmd.offset, cmd.value)) elif isinstance(cmd, (MultAdd,MultAssign)): if cmd.destOff == 0: return None clears.discard(cmd.destOff) result.append(cmd) elif isinstance(cmd, Assign): if cmd.offset == 0: return None else: if cmd.value == 0: clears.add(cmd.offset) else: clears.discard(cmd.offset) result.append(cmd) else: return None if origindelta != -1: return None for cmd in result: if isinstance(cmd, (MultAdd,MultAssign)) and (cmd.srcOff not in clears): return None result.append(Assign(0, 0)) return If(result) # ---- Output formatters ---- def commands_to_c(commands: List[Command], name: str, maincall: bool = True, indentlevel: int = 1) -> str: def indent(line: str, level: int = indentlevel) -> str: return "\t" * level + line + "\n" result: str = "" if maincall: result += indent("#include ", 0) result += indent("#include ", 0) result += indent("#include ", 0) result += indent("", 0) result += indent("static uint8_t read() {", 0) result += indent("int temp = getchar();", 1) result += indent("return (uint8_t)(temp != EOF ? temp : 0);", 1) result += indent("}", 0) result += indent("", 0) result += indent("int main(void) {", 0) result += indent("uint8_t mem[1000000] = {0};") result += indent("uint8_t *p = &mem[1000];") result += indent("") for cmd in commands: if isinstance(cmd, Assign): result += indent(f"p[{cmd.offset}] = {cmd.value};") elif isinstance(cmd, Add): s: str = f"p[{cmd.offset}]" if cmd.value == 1: s += "++;" elif cmd.value == -1: s += "--;" else: s += f" {plusminus(cmd.value)}= {abs(cmd.value)};" result += indent(s) elif isinstance(cmd, MultAssign): if cmd.value == 1: result += indent(f"p[{cmd.destOff}] = p[{cmd.srcOff}];") else: result += indent(f"p[{cmd.destOff}] = p[{cmd.srcOff}] * {cmd.value};") elif isinstance(cmd, MultAdd): if abs(cmd.value) == 1: result += indent(f"p[{cmd.destOff}] {plusminus(cmd.value)}= p[{cmd.srcOff}];") else: result += indent(f"p[{cmd.destOff}] {plusminus(cmd.value)}= p[{cmd.srcOff}] * {abs(cmd.value)};") elif isinstance(cmd, Right): if cmd.offset == 1: result += indent("p++;") elif cmd.offset == -1: result += indent("p--;") else: result += indent(f"p {plusminus(cmd.offset)}= {abs(cmd.offset)};") elif isinstance(cmd, Input): result += indent(f"p[{cmd.offset}] = read();") elif isinstance(cmd, Output): result += indent(f"putchar(p[{cmd.offset}]);") elif isinstance(cmd, If): result += indent("if (*p != 0) {") result += commands_to_c(cmd.commands, name, False, indentlevel + 1) result += indent("}") elif isinstance(cmd, Loop): result += indent("while (*p != 0) {") result += commands_to_c(cmd.commands, name, False, indentlevel + 1) result += indent("}") else: raise AssertionError("Unknown command") if maincall: result += indent("") result += indent("return EXIT_SUCCESS;") result += indent("}", 0) return result def commands_to_java(commands: List[Command], name: str, maincall: bool = True, indentlevel: int = 2) -> str: def indent(line: str, level: int = indentlevel) -> str: return "\t" * level + line + "\n" result: str = "" if maincall: result += indent("import java.io.IOException;", 0) result += indent("", 0) result += indent("public class " + name + " {", 0) result += indent("public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {", 1) result += indent("byte[] mem = new byte[1000000];") result += indent("int i = 1000;") result += indent("") def format_memory(off: int) -> str: if off == 0: return "mem[i]" else: return f"mem[i {plusminus(off)} {abs(off)}]" for cmd in commands: if isinstance(cmd, Assign): result += indent(f"{format_memory(cmd.offset)} = {(cmd.value & 0xFF) - ((cmd.value & 0x80) << 1)};") elif isinstance(cmd, Add): if cmd.value == 1: result += indent(f"{format_memory(cmd.offset)}++;") elif cmd.value == -1: result += indent(f"{format_memory(cmd.offset)}--;") else: result += indent(f"{format_memory(cmd.offset)} {plusminus(cmd.value)}= {abs(cmd.value)};") elif isinstance(cmd, MultAssign): if cmd.value == 1: result += indent(f"{format_memory(cmd.destOff)} = {format_memory(cmd.srcOff)};") else: result += indent(f"{format_memory(cmd.destOff)} = (byte)({format_memory(cmd.srcOff)} * {cmd.value});") elif isinstance(cmd, MultAdd): if abs(cmd.value) == 1: result += indent(f"{format_memory(cmd.destOff)} {plusminus(cmd.value)}= {format_memory(cmd.srcOff)};") else: result += indent(f"{format_memory(cmd.destOff)} {plusminus(cmd.value)}= {format_memory(cmd.srcOff)} * {abs(cmd.value)};") elif isinstance(cmd, Right): if cmd.offset == 1: result += indent("i++;") elif cmd.offset == -1: result += indent("i--;") else: result += indent(f"i {plusminus(cmd.offset)}= {abs(cmd.offset)};") elif isinstance(cmd, Input): result += indent(f"{format_memory(cmd.offset)} = (byte)Math.max(System.in.read(), 0);") elif isinstance(cmd, Output): result += indent(f"System.out.write({format_memory(cmd.offset)});") + indent("System.out.flush();") elif isinstance(cmd, If): result += indent("if (mem[i] != 0) {") result += commands_to_java(cmd.commands, name, False, indentlevel + 1) result += indent("}") elif isinstance(cmd, Loop): result += indent("while (mem[i] != 0) {") result += commands_to_java(cmd.commands, name, False, indentlevel + 1) result += indent("}") else: raise AssertionError("Unknown command") if maincall: result += indent("}", 1) result += indent("}", 0) return result def commands_to_python(commands: List[Command], name: str, maincall: bool = True, indentlevel: int = 0) -> str: def indent(line: str, level: int = indentlevel) -> str: return "\t" * level + line + "\n" result: str = "" if maincall: result += indent("import sys") result += indent("") result += indent("mem = [0] * 1000000") result += indent("i = 1000") result += indent("") def format_memory(off: int) -> str: if off == 0: return "mem[i]" else: return f"mem[i {plusminus(off)} {abs(off)}]" for cmd in commands: if isinstance(cmd, Assign): result += indent(f"{format_memory(cmd.offset)} = {cmd.value}") elif isinstance(cmd, Add): result += indent(f"{format_memory(cmd.offset)} = ({format_memory(cmd.offset)} {plusminus(cmd.value)} {abs(cmd.value)}) & 0xFF") elif isinstance(cmd, MultAssign): if cmd.value == 1: result += indent(f"{format_memory(cmd.destOff)} = {format_memory(cmd.srcOff)}") else: result += indent(f"{format_memory(cmd.destOff)} = ({format_memory(cmd.srcOff)} * {cmd.value}) & 0xFF") elif isinstance(cmd, MultAdd): result += indent(f"{format_memory(cmd.destOff)} = ({format_memory(cmd.destOff)} + {format_memory(cmd.srcOff)} * {cmd.value}) & 0xFF") elif isinstance(cmd, Right): result += indent(f"i {plusminus(cmd.offset)}= {abs(cmd.offset)}") elif isinstance(cmd, Input): result += indent(f"{format_memory(cmd.offset)} = ord((sys.stdin.read(1) + chr(0))[0])") elif isinstance(cmd, Output): result += indent(f"sys.stdout.write(chr({format_memory(cmd.offset)}))") elif isinstance(cmd, If): result += indent("if mem[i] != 0:") result += commands_to_python(cmd.commands, name, False, indentlevel + 1) elif isinstance(cmd, Loop): result += indent("while mem[i] != 0:") result += commands_to_python(cmd.commands, name, False, indentlevel + 1) else: raise AssertionError("Unknown command") return result def plusminus(val: int) -> str: return "+" if (val >= 0) else "-" # ---- Intermediate representation (IR) ---- class Command: # Common superclass pass @dataclasses.dataclass class Assign(Command): offset: int value: int @dataclasses.dataclass class Add(Command): offset: int value: int @dataclasses.dataclass class MultAssign(Command): srcOff: int destOff: int value: int @dataclasses.dataclass class MultAdd(Command): srcOff: int destOff: int value: int @dataclasses.dataclass class Right(Command): offset: int @dataclasses.dataclass class Input(Command): offset: int @dataclasses.dataclass class Output(Command): offset: int @dataclasses.dataclass class If(Command): commands: List[Command] @dataclasses.dataclass class Loop(Command): commands: List[Command] # ---- Miscellaneous ---- if __name__ == "__main__": errmsg: Optional[str] = main(sys.argv[1 : ]) if errmsg is not None: sys.exit(errmsg)